Our MIssion

Friends of Tattnall Square Park brings together neighbors, donors, and city partners in order to make historic Tattnall Square a beautiful, well-maintained, and dynamic public space for everyone.  We believe public parks are a measure of our commitment to one another.  We invite you to volunteer, donate, and make a difference with us.

Our story

Friends of Tattnall Square Park was established in 2011 to help restore, preserve, and promote historic Tattnall Square Park.  Since its establishment, Friends of Tattnall Square Park has helped raise more than $600,000 of donations for the park, guided the park’s full restoration, and helped supervise thousands of hours of volunteer labor in the park.

Since 2011, FOTSP has overseen the largest tree planting in the park since 1914, created a serpentine seating wall and gathering garden near a newly repainted pavilion, restored three gateways to the park, designed and funded 25 new “art and nature” trash receptacles, created Macon-Bibb’s first public rain gardens and stone foot bridge, restored with the city the eastern quarter of the park, built the stone terrace and gateway promenade at the eastern entrance, created a winding arboretum path through the park’s woodland area, and helped bring back the Tattnall Square Park fountain for the first time in 80 years.

For our work making Tattnall Square Park a more welcoming, more beautiful park for all of Macon, we’ve received the highest honor of Historic Macon—the Murphey’s Chair Award for the most significant preservation project of 2013.  In 2014, the preeminent national parks organization, the City Park Alliance, honored us with the “Frontline Park” distinction—spotlighting one park per month as an exemplar for the nation.  Past honorees include some of the most successful, most beautiful parks in the nation: Atlanta’s Piedmont Park, New York City’s Prospect Park and the Highline, Houston’s Discovery Green, Chicago’s Millennium Park.  Other than Piedmont Park, we are the only other park in the state of Georgia to have earned the Frontline distinction.  In 2015, we received the Keep Macon-Bibb Beautiful Award for Organization of the Year.


our board
